His Type
His Type
The Billionaire's BBW
Book 1
* * *
Bella B. Wilde
This is a work of fiction. All characters and events reside solely in the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen years of age or older.
©2019, BELLA B. WILDE. No portion of this work can be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent fron the author with the exception for a fair use excerpt for review and editorial purposes.
This title is for adults only. It contains explicit sex acts, adult themes, and material some folks might find offensive.
For permissions, complaints, or just queries, contact: authorbellabwilde@gmail.com
* * *
1 | Ellie
2 | Callan
3 | Ellie
4 | Callan
5 | Ellie
6 | Callan
7 | Ellie
8 | Callan
9 | Ellie
10 | Callan
11 | Ellie
12 | Callan
13 | Ellie
14 | Ellie
15 | Callan
16 | Callan
17 | Ellie
18 | Callan
19 | Ellie
20 | Callan
Epilogue | Callan
Epilogue | Ellie
Before You Go...
Also by Bella B. Wilde
* * *
To be honest, I’d rather be anywhere in the world than here right now. Sat outside the swish, sophisticated office, I’m already overcome with nerves, having to will myself not to tap my foot or play with my purse. I’m interviewing for a job as a PA to some hot–shot–investor–slash–notorious–playboy, according to the girls sat around me, engrossed in their gossiping.
They can gossip all they want. While my competition seems to have other things on their mind, I’m here because I need a job, and this is one I would thrive in.
I’ve seen their sly glances in my direction too. It’s obvious what they’re thinking, and they’re right – I don’t fit in. I’m a bigger girl, whereas some of these look like they wouldn’t even know what to do with a burger. It bothered me in the past, but I’ve learned to ignore the looks and the comments.
Besides, being the eldest of five children teaches you how to handle a crisis or two, so I’m sure I could handle anything this job could throw at me, and I intend to prove it to the people that matter.
I’m pulled away from my thoughts when I hear my name called. I look up to see an older, graying man standing in the doorway, clearly not the man I’d be working for. He leads me into the office, offering me a seat, with another gentleman sat to his side.
My resume is sat in front of them, but when they turn to speak to me, neither of them seem too concerned with what’s written.
“So, Miss Miles, just a few quick questions. Have you ever worked as a PA before?”
Well, no, and if you’d bothered to read my resume at all, you’d realize that.
“Uh, no. But I interned as a secretary at a law firm during my sophomore year in college. And I used to help my dad with his bookkeeping for his business.”
“Have you ever…” The man pauses, leaning forward and lowering his voice. “And I’m sorry to ask this, company policy and all – have you ever become involved with a boss or coworker?”
My cheeks redden, and I hope it isn’t too obvious. I’ve never been involved with anyone – not in the way he’s suggesting. There was an issue with my last boss, but…
I shake my head, putting on a confident smile. “No sir, absolutely not. I don’t think that kind of thing is at all appropriate.”
This seems to satisfy the two of them, as they nod to one another.
“And, again, a little personal, but it’s just for our files… Do you, uh, are you currently seeing anyone?”
“What?” I’m more than a little surprised by their question, once again feeling the color rush to my cheeks. “No, no, no…” I begin with a nervous giggle. “But that’s not what I’m here for, if that’s what you were worried about. Like I said, that would be completely inappropriate. I’m just here for this job, which I think I would be great at. I’m very organized, I’m not afraid of a challenge, and I…” I find myself rudely cut off when one of them holds their hand up to me.
The two whisper among themselves for a moment longer, and I wonder what I must have said wrong, before both of them rise from their seats. Crap. I’ve blown it, given that I’ve been in here less than five minutes. Which is why I’m lost for words when the man who greeted me says, “I think you’ll be a great fit here, Miss Miles. Could you start on Monday?”
* * *
Ugh. I groan and roll my eyes as I read that my partners have hired yet another new PA for me. This will be the sixth one in a year. ‘We’re confident this one will stick around a little longer than the last’, the email notes. I hope so too. It doesn’t make my job any easier when I’m always having to show the new girl the ropes.
I’ll admit, I’m not entirely innocent here, but come on. There are girls in the office throwing themselves at me every day. I’ve never actively pursued any of them, but when you’re working closely together, sometimes things run over into the evenings, you open a bottle of wine to relax, and… Well, the rest is history.
I always make it clear to them – I’m their boss, nothing more can happen. And they all seem fine with it, until they’re not. Suddenly my messages aren’t being passed on, and I’m missing important meetings, all because my assistant seems to think I’ve used her because I won’t date her.
And then another one bites the dust.
So I can understand why the other partners view me as something of a playboy. They’d oust me, if I weren’t too damn valuable to the company.
The truth is though, as pretty and attentive as those other girls might be, I just can’t see myself ever getting serious with them. I’ve got a certain type, and they’re not it.
Setting my phone back down beside me, I recline on my sun lounger. One more week left of my vacation, the first I’ve taken in years, and I don’t want to waste it worrying about what awaits me when I return to work.
I silently make a promise with myself – no more sleeping with my assistants. It’s just not worth it anymore. At 35, I’m not old, but I’m not getting any younger. The teasing and the cat–and–mouse games become exhausting after a while, especially when I know the fling isn’t going to last.
I don’t care who this new girl is, I’m not interested in hooking up with them anymore. Colleagues are off limits now, and that’s final. I need to think about settling down, and to do that, I need a girl – no, a woman – who’s enough to satisfy me.
* * *
After a week in the office, I feel like I’m getting the hang of things. They had me start early, to give me chance to get up to speed before my new boss arrives.
Ugh. Admittedly, I kind of hate the guy already. Every day, another girl from the office ‘casually’ stops by to ask if Mr. Benton is back from his vacation yet. They all wear the same disappointed, puppy–dog expression on their face when I tell them no, and saunter back to their own desks, but not before giving me a disapproving look up and down.
I’m starting to think I might prefer being here alone, updating files and going over paperwork – there’s a quiet, comfortable rhythm to it all.
But it couldn’t last forever.
“God, not this again…” I hear from behind me, a deep, rough voice that, admittedly, I’m instantly attracted to. “Mind telling me what
you’re doing going through my files? And where is my new assistant? I know I’m not one to be early, but this is ridiculous.”
I turn towards the source of the voice, and I have to pull myself together. Stood before me, impatiently checking his phone, is perhaps the most handsome, sexy, irritating man I have ever met. He must be at least 6 feet tall, with broad shoulders, and even under his suit, I can tell his muscles must have muscles. I know straight away, from the chiseled jaw and thick dark hair that this is the man, the mystery, himself.
Callan Benton, in the flesh.
* * *
I arrive late into the office, but eager to get caught up. Which is why I’m less than impressed when I find some random girl rifling through my files. I assume she must be from another department – she’s definitely not the kind that typically gets hired around here, which is a damn shame.
She’s got curves for days, a far cry from the stick–thin mannequins that often grace the office floor. She turns to face me, holding out a folder, wearing the cutest, sweetest smile I’ve ever seen.
“Sorry, Mr. Benton. I was making sure I had everything ready for when you got here. I’m Ellie. Ellie Miles.” She hands me the folder as I drag my eyes up from where they were admiring her perfectly plump ass.
“You’re my new assistant?” I ask, both surprised and hopeful.
“I am.” There’s that smile again. I clench my jaw just to stop myself from groaning. She’s perfect. Blonde hair that falls around her face in waves, big blue eyes I want to get lost in, and heavenly curves that I could spend a lifetime exploring.
“I am so, so sorry, Ellie. You’re, well…” I can’t resist looking her up and down once more, gesturing towards her, and hoping I’m not appearing a total creep already. “You’re not the sort of girl they tend to hire around this place.”
She doesn’t seem fazed though, which already makes me want her even more. She shrugs, sitting back down in her seat. “Well, maybe that’s why they hired me. Someone who actually knows what she’s doing.”
With that, she turns back to her computer for a minute, while I’m still left standing there, trying to process how on earth I’ll ever get any work done. She turns back to me though, wide eyed, as though she’s only now noticed me.
“Oh, is there anything else I can do for you?”
Yeah, I can think of one or two, or a thousand, things I’d like you to do for me.
“No, thanks Ellie. I guess I’ve got some catching up to do.”
With that, she nods, and I can’t resist one final look at her before I remind myself of the promise I made just days ago – no more sleeping with my assistants.
Fuck. This is going to be harder than I’d thought.
* * *
Once I’m certain Callan is out of sight and earshot, I bury my face into my hands, mortified at how I just spoke to my new boss.
“Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot…” I mutter into my hands. It’s stupid, because he didn’t seem bothered, but I worry my sass may have struck the wrong chord.
Or maybe it had something to do with the way he was looking at me. Having those deep green eyes crawling over my curves filled me with confidence unlike anything I’ve ever felt. God, I could see why so many of the girls in the office obsessed over him. He was the perfect guy.
Well, almost, if you ignore the fact he’s a playboy, and more than a touch arrogant. Which is exactly why nothing was going to happen between us – I’ve known enough guys like him to know that curvy girls are just a game to them, or worse, a joke they can laugh about with their friends.
So, if I know I’m not going there, it can’t hurt to look.
Glancing over my shoulder casually, I catch him reclining back in his large leather chair through the glass panel in his door, his hands raking through that luscious hair with his eyes closed. I can see his fitted shirt just beginning to struggle to cover his flexing chest, and the way his body rises and falls as he takes a deep breath.
God, I shouldn’t be looking. I should not be looking. And I shouldn’t be feeling my pussy ache either, thinking about straddling his lap, wrapping my legs around him… Not after what happened at my last job as a waitress.
What is it about a girl serving food in a short skirt that makes guys think we’re on the menu too? Ugh.
I clear the imagine from my mind, shaking my head as I turn back to my work. Thank god Callan is a busy man, he’s had at least fifteen emails that need sorting and directing since he got into the office. At least this job gives me plenty to do, other than lust over my new boss.
* * *
Damn, I haven’t been able to get this girl out of my mind all day.
I’ve got a stack of papers splayed out across my desk in front of me, but I can’t seem to focus on any of them. They all just morph into one, like their words belong to another language, and it’s not long before I find my gaze being pulled upwards towards the curvaceous beauty sat out front.
God, everything about her is so damn sexy. The way she moves, the way she brushes her hair off her neck, the curve of her cheek whenever she turns to answer the phone. Her smile. That cute, sweet, adorable smile. My cock twitches to life every time I see those supple lips smiling.
And just like that, another fifteen minutes have passed, I still have papers all over my desk, and there’s another phone call snapping me out of my daydreaming.
The Milton Merger is a big deal, something that’s been in the works for a long time, and now we’re entering the final stages of negotiations and it’s all hands–on deck.
But I’d much rather be all hands–on Ellie.
I shake my head, reminding myself of all the promises I’d made. No more fooling around with girls in the office; no more one nights stands, or awkward conversations; no more acting like some horny kid.
But the thing is, with Ellie, I can’t ever imagine being satisfied with a one–night stand. This girl has me wanting to claim her, forever…
It’s as if she can read my mind. Just as I’m imagining unwrapping her perfect curves, her head appears in the doorway.
“I was just about to leave for the day? Do you need anything?” She’s so god damn sweet. I want to grab her, hold her angelic face in my hands, tell her that all I need is you, baby.
But I snap, waving her away with my hand as I’m reminded of just how much work I have to do, and she’s certainly not making it any easier.
“No, no, you can go. There’s nothing you can help me with here.” I see the hurt register on her face as soon as I’ve said it, and I want to kick myself.
Just as she’s about to slink off, I swallow my damn pride and hope she isn’t too offended. She must know more about the current state of this deal than I do at this point anyway. “Actually, Ellie… If you don’t mind, I could use some help getting up to speed.”
She opens the door fully, stepping into my office and setting her bag down near the door. “Of course. Why don’t we get everything in order first?” She nods towards the papers on my desk, and I have to laugh to myself as she effortlessly gets to work putting everything back where it belongs.
“Yeah, I’ve never been great at keeping things organized. Probably why I can’t function without an assistant. Why don’t I order us some dinner while you do that, I’m starving. Pizza okay?”
“Oh, I can do that!” She says, jumping up and looking worried as I reach for my phone.
“Why would you? I was the one who offered.”
“Well, I’m your assistant. Isn’t that what assistants do?” I have to smile at that, feeling her knock another chink in my armor. Not only is this girl smart, and sassy, but she’s also genuinely sweet and innocent without seeming at all naive.
I reach out, placing my hand on her arm, partly to reassure her, but mostly just to get a little closer to her. She smells of lavender and honey, and I just want to drink her in. “
Ellie, dear, right now it’s after hours, so you’re not here as my assistant, you’re here as a friend.”
* * *
It’s almost 10pm when we finish up in the office. I hadn’t expected to have to stay late so soon, but working so closely with Callan, it doesn’t feel like work at all. We laugh over pizza and share anecdotes about previous jobs.
So far, this is the best job I’ve ever had. I’m good at it, the pay is more than I expected, and the company is sublime.
I’m just filing away the last of the papers when I hear Callan behind me, locking up his office. “Oh, never mind that. I think you’ve done enough for tonight. Let me walk you to your car.”
“Oh, I don’t drive. I just take the subway, there’s a station right near my building.” I watch as his face changes – I’m sure there’s a momentary flash of anger in there – and I wonder what I’ve said wrong.
“No.” His response is short and curt, shaking his head. He takes my coat from the back of the chair, and grabs my bag too before I have time to respond. “Come on, I’ll drive. You’re not taking the subway at this time of night. And besides, it’s my fault you had to stay late anyway.”
When we reach the elevator, I can’t hide my amusement.
“What? What’s that look?”
“Nothing. I mean, I just thought you rich guys all had chauffeurs to take you everywhere.” He laughs at that.
“Ah, you think you’ve got me all figured out, don’t you, Miss Miles?” He presses the button for the executive garage, but I notice he doesn’t take his eyes off me. “No, truth is, I like my cars. Where’s the fun if you don’t get to drive them yourself?”
“Well, I hope I’m not in for a bumpy ride then.” His gaze changes. Suddenly, his eyes are clouded over with desire, and I feel as though I’m frozen on the spot. We ride the elevator in complete silence, eyes locked on each other, my heartbeat pounding in my ears.